Ryoji Ohtsuka has 3 Mask Making Classes in Japan.
The details of each class are below.
Place :8487-5, Gionchou, Shimada city, Shizuoka prefecture
Day :twice a month Wednesday 18:00~21:00,
Thursday 9:00~12:00 / 13:00~16:00
Tuition:15,000 yen per month
Place :Shizuoka Rouseikaikan
5-1, Kuroganechou, Aoiku, Shizuoka city, Shizuoka prefecture
Day :twice a month Saturday 9:00~12:00 / 13:00~16:00
Tuiton:13,000 yen per month
Place :2-48-11, Yahiro, Sumidaku, Tokyo
Day :twice a month Sunday 10:00~13:00 / 13:30~16:30
Tuition:17,000 yen per month
※ Each class requires 10,000 yen for admission fee.
※ Fees for the model paper is unnecessary.
※ Requires to pay for the material.
※ Tools such as chisels can be provided if necessary (requires payment).